Welcome to our lab!
It an honor to share the latest news, publications, and projects generated by the Basic and Applied Prevention Science Lab with you. The research you will learn about on this site reflects a range of collaborative work led by students, postdocs, and research scientists affiliated with the LeveLab.
The work of my lab is grounded by three core values.
First, I believe that the most innovative and impactful research is generated through collaborations that include individuals from a range of identities, career stages, and disciplinary perspectives. When we have the opportunity to talk about and conduct research from multiple vantage points, we can generate new ideas and approaches that advance the field and make an impact on human health in exciting ways. I strive to incorporate knowledge and insights from students, researchers, community partners, people with lived experiences, and the population of focus into my research—from the initial conceptualization of a new research project idea through to data collection and the development of papers and other products.
Second, as noted by the title on my lab—basic and applied prevention science—I believe that we can advance discoveries in the field of prevention science through both basic research and intervention studies. Ideally, the two approaches are integrated with feedback loops that inform one another. But, sometimes this is not possible, and/or takes years to accomplish. Basic science research in my lab is generated with public health outcomes in mind—what can we learn from this work that could inform future programs, practices, or policies? In parallel, intervention studies are grounded in a strong theoretical and scientific basis that is informed by what we know about underlying mechanisms and processes associated with behavior change.
Third, a priority focus is improving the wellbeing of individuals and communities. There is clear evidence that many children, families, and communities are struggling in terms of their physical health, mental wellness, and/or economic standing. Research and practice efforts should focus on lifting up those who can benefit most from supports.
We welcome collaborative partners and opportunities, please contact me at leve@uoregon.edu with your ideas and questions!